Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tampa photographer Explains How Boudoir Photography http://goo.gl/vt2xK interest has growing and how many request are asking for B+W Images with a hint of color

Tampa Photographer explains how the Boudoir Photography http://goo.gl/vt2xK interest has growing and how many request are asking for B+W Images with a hint of color being request. Most clients are women of all adult ages and some for their husbands or Boyfriend or jut for themselves as a timekeeper. This shot is one that I did with extra soft lighting with 6 foot panes and to eliminate all shadow. This keeps the midtones even and make great Black and White soft skin tones. thin this case a hint of color was kept for the Artsy Image look.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tampa Studio Photographer Has the Artistic eye and will create tasteful, elegant, and Romantic images of you


A New Life, A New Marriage? Tampa Studio Photographer http://goo.gl/vt2xK Has the Artistic eye and you do not have to be a model type, or a very young age, he will create tasteful, elegant, and Romantic images of you by directing you with soft lighting and allowing unlimited outfit changes so you will have a collection of Impressive Images of you that will last a lifetime of gifts for you man.

Tampa Casual Sexy Photo Studio will create those intimate photos of you that will be the Best Gift Idea Ever


Sexy Beautiful Images of You http://goo.gl/vt2xK by Crum Photo Studios Tampa Casual Sexy Photo Studio will create those intimate photos of you that will be the Best Gift Idea Ever. Great Photographer will know how to hide the flaws and show you highlights by directing you into ever pose and the capturing you with a multitude of Flashes and some with color and then you will see the amazing art that was just created of you in just a few moments and will last a life time. This takes a Artist that has personality and knowledge with a Flash and a Camera.